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The making of Digital GHOST.

Updated: Jan 26, 2022

13+ years ago I began to teach myself photoshop and photo editing. Since then, I have made more pieces of artwork than I can count. (Most of my old stuff is not on my main page, as the quality was not there.) Digital GHOST was spawned when I felt I was at the level I needed to be to create a business and run a website for it; and it is my greatest achievement thus far.

Over the course of the past 13 years I have gone through a lot of pain and torment due to severe mental illnesses, and this can be seen throughout most of my artwork. Darkness always seems to catch up to me, but through my art and music I am able to transform that energy into something else. It's a safe bet to assume that this has saved my life countless of times. I hope you can appreciate what I have created, and when I have more time, I will continue this post. But until then, LOVE YOUR LIFE.

-Digital GHOST

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